Refurbishing a post-war iconic urban block, rediscovering and revamping its original public and commercial vocation.


Isolato San Rocco

location: Reggio Emilia, Italy
client: Comune di Reggio Emilia
status: 2008-2010 Built
collaborators: Daniela Conti
program: urban regeneration and restoration of public spaces, porches and central gallery, facade and general restoration of the complex realized by Luigi Vietti in 1951-1954
photos: Alessandro Molesini


This mixed-use complex has been realized in the 1950s, following the demolition of a valuable XVI century cloister complex. Conceived by architect Pier Luigi Vietti, this intervention was seeking a part as main actor in the scenario of the flourishing city; even though premises were good enough, progressive physical and social deterioration happened in the following decades, also caused by the closure of a cinema and various commercial activities. Although it is not a building subject to a restriction pursuant to Legislative Decree 42/2004, it falls within the other buildings identified by the IBC and as such by the current RUE.

The era of construction, the quality, the size and the architectonic and constructive complexity, the materials and the finishing touches a complex building of particular importance. This is a restoration of the modern, of the floors of the gallery and porticoes, of the cleaning and restoration of marble cladding, of the reconstruction of waterproofing, of the reconstruction of the lighting system, etc. concerning both the building works and the electrical lighting system and the system of discharge of rainwater; The construction site was particularly demanding due to the activity of housing accesses along the arcades and in the gallery where the works were to be carried out. It was necessary to compact the times of the work with a very strict control and with attention to the coexistence of the construction site of strangers. The construction site strategy hade a dual nature: subdivision into micro-sites and a very detailed work program with well-defined days and times, making the most of the opening hours and days of the shops. The knowledge of the building acquired during the preliminary phase of the project allowed to monitor the most delicate phases of the construction site.