Innovation applied to workspaces is combined with a respectful restyling of an historical building part of a prestigious highly representative context.


Credem Headquorters People

location: Reggio Emilia, Italy client: Credem Bank Group 
status: 2019 - 2020 Built
collaborators: Alessandro Molesini, Danieala Conti
program: interior restyling guided by smart and activity based working principles


The intervention in the Credem central headquarters involved part of the second floor occupied by the personnel administration area (People Area). These spaces were organized with a central corridor and a rigid subdivision of the rooms and work groups, in environments not communicating with each other and without sharing spaces and equipment. The need to redefine workspaces to make workstations compliant with the new working logic of smart working and activity based working has led above all to the elimination of compartmentalisation between spaces. This conception of the organization of work and spaces is based on a rationalization and a different management of both, optimizing shared activities and directing the layout of all work environments and people towards greater interaction and integration in the horizontal sense. The objective of the project, due to functional needs of redefining the spaces for a better organization of workstations and work groups, supports that of recovering the original spatiality of the environments of both historic buildings, eliminating partitions that fragmented the unitary reading of the main rooms , thus bringing together architectural and functional needs, also thanks to the inclusion of glass partitions, fixed and mobile furnishings that respond to the new needs of shared and flexible work.